What Dow 40,000 Means for Consumer Net Worth

The Dow Jones Industrial Average reached 40,000 for the first time recently as markets continue to rebound from a 5% decline earlier this year. While this has felt like a difficult year for many investors due to inflation, high interest rates, and growth concerns, the...

How Earnings Can Guide Investors in Difficult Markets

With markets nervous about stubborn inflation, a gradually slowing labor market, and the timing of the first Fed rate cut, investors are more focused on this corporate earnings season than usual. This is because while the economy has avoided a “hard landing” corporate...

How the Costs and Benefits of College Affect Financial Plans

For many households, college decisions are a cause for celebration. However, college also represents one of the largest expenses and sources of financial stress in our lives, on par with retirement or buying a home. These feelings are only worsened by the current...

How Tax Policy Affects the Stock Market

As Benjamin Franklin famously said, “in this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes.” Taxes are no one’s favorite topic but their importance cannot be overstated. Tax policy affects every aspect of our financial lives including how much of our paychecks,...

How Residential and Commercial Real Estate Impact Markets

With major stock market indices hovering around all-time highs, some investors continue to worry about the state of the economy. While trends around inflation and jobs have been positive, putting the Fed in a position to cut rates later this year, there are still many...