Financial Planning

Financial planning is the logical starting point for making good financial decisions. When properly structured, a custom financial plan will detail your financial goals, organize your assets using financial statements, provide the foundation for cash flow modeling, and review the impact of different strategies. All financial decisions should be made in the context of your financial plan. The following four financial pillars are included in a Vantedge Wealth Management Financial Plan.


Financial goal setting is the first step to creating your core financial plan. Your financial plan will be comprised of actions and solutions to pursue your SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timebound) financial goals.


Creating financial statements organizes your current financial situation and provides the basis to evaluate strategies and modeling. Financial statements include a detailed balance sheet and an income statement. The detailed balance sheet includes all of your assets and liabilities and when completed, creates a Net Worth Report. Benchmarking and updating your net worth is used to develop and model strategies and create progress reports. Your income statement details all sources of income and expenses. Your financial statements provide analysis and budgeting. Income statements should be reviewed and fine-tuned regularly.


Your foundation plan is your base financial plan created with your goals and financial statements. It models your current investment allocation, savings, asset growth, and any shortfalls. Your foundation plan exposes the strengths and weaknesses of your current plan and provides a base to evaluate potential strategies. Foundation plans are adjusted as time goes on to accurately reflect your current situation.


Financial strategy modeling involves adjusting your foundation plan and determining if the adjustments are improvements. This process starts with modeling a series of what-ifs. What-if’s include risk modeling, investment changes, savings changes, sales or purchases of assets, inflation changes, and any potential change specific to your situation. Maintaining an up-to-date foundation financial plan allows financial strategy modeling to occur almost on demand and enables making good financial decisions.

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Financial Tools

Take Control of Your Financial World
Your Personal Financial Management website makes it easy to manageboth your wealth and your well-being.

Interactive Cash-Flow Planning
Planning for the future can feel like an overwhelming concept – but with financial advice and technology backing your decisions, it doesn’t have to be.

Ready, Set, Goal!
Setting goals can be a tough task, but it is an important step toward securing your financial future. Before we create a financial plan, we’ll work together to define and document your goals.

Goals Overview
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Life Hub for Retirement Income Planning
Intuitive web site helping you plan your income after retirement.

Holistic Wealth Management

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